San Diego Comic Con - July 25, 2004
The full Cast for the first time!!!
Alan Tudyk, Gina Torres, Adam Baldwin, Nathan Fillion, Morena Baccarin, Jewel Staite, Summer Glau, Sean Maher, Ron Glass and Joss Whedon.
First the most exciting thing happened at the end of the day. Adam Baldwin shouted my name; “Rosie!!!” as if I were a long lost sister. Then he walked across a large group and gave me a big beautiful hug. That was the best moment, for many reasons, too many to go into but that was my highlight.
I’m starting with the day before because it will give a bit of understanding to my state of being. Saturday I worked a long shift. I wanted to get out early. I needed to go to Mass and then to graduation party. I left the party around 11:30pm. I arrived home at 12:45am and woke up 4:45am. That is 4 hours sleep. I require minimum of 5 hours to function properly. Anyway my little sister and I left at around 5:30am to go pick up my friends in Anaheim. We met up with Saxon around 6:20am and our first stop was at a gas station, the name of which was Alliance. Saxon pointed that out and took a picture. We were entering into a whole new world.
We arrived in San Diego at 8:41am. We got in very quickly and without problems. As we stood in line for our freebies, I decided to apologize in advance for anything I may say or do. On of the hazards of close proximity with our BDHs is my brain goes missing. The hand out listed the autograph session at 11am. Afterwards we found out where the autograph session would be and it was at 2pm, the same time as the Serenity panel. People realized they would need to make a choice. My sister and 2 friends decided to go to the autograph session. The rest of us decided to go to the panel. We went downstairs to the main exhibit hall to see what there was to see. I was very excited at this point. I was eager to see the whole cast and get good seats.
My sister called when she found Jason Palmer. She knew I really wanted to get that poster for Alan. When Alan signed mine at the LA Comic Con he looked at it with such awe and wonder. So I decided to contact Jason and had already emailed him. Turns out Jason grew up in the city next to mine. So I told him I wanted to get one for Alan and he autographed it for him. He drew the dinosaurs and wrote over one “Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal” and over the other dinosaur “Mine is an evil laugh”. He wrapped it up and so now I had a specific mission: get this poster to Alan.
The strategy was to get to the Ballroom early and move up after each panel. It was around 11am so we made our way up to Ballroom 20. Those who wanted an autograph went to get in line. After the 11am session we tried finding better seats but apparently we did not come early enough. We sat in the 6th row on the right side. We had a huge screen in front of us. The room was seriously HUGE. I am glad we sat as close as we did. There were 4 sections I think it was 20 seats in a row per section all the way back. Someone said that the ballroom seated 4900. I was thinking if everyone in the autograph session came to the panel, everyone would not have been able to get inside.
I sat next to a young woman named Julie. She thought she recognized me, and asked if she knew me. I told her who I was and I was on the OB. Then it clicked; she had seen pictures of me at since I was an extra on Serenity and had just had our latest encounter with the cast in the bushes. Jason Palmer had asked me to save seats for him and his wife Yelena. So I sat next to Julie and saved 2 seats. I walked over to the middle section and that’s where I saw a strong Browncoat contingent. Many Browncoats that I had already met in person and many others who I spoke to but had never met. It was great seeing everyone. They had excellent seats, front and center. The 12pm session was the Seed of Chucky. After watching a disgusting scene I walked out. I decided to go back to my car to get some food I had left there. I was really hungry.
When I returned I called Saxon and she came out. She told me that her daughter had spotted Joss downstairs in the exhibit hall. He signed an autograph for Saxon. Saxon and her daughter decided to go to the restroom. I stayed outside eating my sandwich. They had just gone in when I see Joss come up the escalator. He was alone, walking around like a regular Joe Schmoe. Then a mom and her 2 little girls around 8 years old stop and chat with him. He was very nice and chats and smiles. Then he took a few steps and someone else spotted him. Then he was just standing there and pulls out the cell. That’s when I think I might be able to get Saxon out. Joss was walking and talking on his cell. I run into the bathroom and shout, “SAXON OUT NOW, SAXON OUT NOW.” She was washing her hands and came immediately asking “Where? Where?” I love the fact she knew why I yelled. I point over to Joss as he was walking away and Saxon said, “Let’s go say hi.” So we start walking briskly after Joss. Saxon says, “We’re not stalking, we’re not stalking.” I am not sure what was said because I was in awe and he was on the phone. Seems like he was looking for the side entrance to Ballroom 20. He was looking the opposite way so I told him where he needed to go. He was on his cell getting directions and gives me a look, kind of like how did you know what I needed? He finished and Saxon asked for a picture and I pulled out the camera and took a picture. Saxon said, “Rosie your hand is shaking.” I was just so excited. I show her it came out fine. I remind Joss that I was on the set the first 2 days and he nods and shakes my hand. I don’t recall him really saying anything. There was another guy waiting to take a picture so we say bye. Then I see him walking off in the direction I told him.
Of course if my brain were not missing at that point I would have followed him to see the rest of the cast enter. Instead I went inside the ballroom. The people presenting were from Shaun of the Dead. I had no clue who they were. They showed a clip from a British sitcom called Spaced that was cancelled. It was hilarious so very smart. The one part that stood out to me was the 2 main characters a guy and a girl were in a stand off in an alley. There were 5 guys standing there. Then all of a sudden in pantomime, the 2 main characters pull out these big guns and start shooting. The guys also pantomime pulling out their guns and there is a great shoot out all in pantomime. It was the most hilarious thing I ever saw. I was rolling on the floor. One guy, pantomimes being shot and blood is spewing out his neck. His hand is making the spewing/spraying motion coming out of his neck. The whole clip was funny but that is what really stayed with me. The whole room is rolling with laughter and then thunderous applause. The guy who made it says, “Made for geeks by geeks”. We all yell. It was very funny. I definitely hope it comes to DVD.
So they ended and then we all waited for Joss and company. The Ballroom was packed. We were asked to move to the center to allow others to sit. There was no gap all the way to the back. If everyone in the autograph session had gone into the ballroom they would have exceed the maximum occupancy. I remember we told Joss how we came early and camped out at the session and it was full. When Joss walked out it was amazing. He was visibly stunned, moved, awed by the huge long, standing ovation. He had never had such a response before. He said some stuff I don’t recall at the moment. I said he had 9 things to share. It was beautiful to see them. The clip of Serenity was uber-shiny. I think it is more of a tease than a spoiler but I will not say anymore about it. Joss really did not give anything away.
Joss began the Q/A saying this is the first question so it better be good. Honestly I was just taking it all in. I enjoyed seeing Joss answer questions. I loved Nathan going for the funny. One question was about nicknames. Nathan said Adam is known as stinky pants. Adam smiled, kind of embarrassed. Morena said she is just called whore. Then I think it was Joss who said that’s not true sometimes we call you stupid. Sean thinks he deserves the tighpants nickname. All the girls swoon. He makes a face not understanding. Silly boy! It is just so obvious that they really get along and enjoy each other.
Another question was- What is the favorite thing about your character:
GINA: My gun ALAN: Finding non-violent solutions ADAM: Value of work NATHAN: Dancer legs JEWEL: Gets along with everyone MORENA: Intelligence SUMMER: Walking Barefoot SEAN: Simon’s love for his sister RON: Unpredictability commitment.
I really can’t remember it all I just enjoyed watching them and laughed A LOT! They are a great bunch and I love them all so much. The clip was shown once more and it was just awesome. It looked like an unaired episode but grander still, more epic. There WILL be sequels. In Joss I trust.
Afterward I tried to get close to give Alan his gift but they had to move out to the signing. I followed the throng and tried to find Carol. She was up close. She had waited since 11am but this was their moment. I walked outside behind the autograph session to find Saxon. She said Adam gave her a kiss on the cheek as he was walking to the session. I was still trying to get my gift to Alan. I asked a female security and she said no. Then a big tough guy said, “Step away from the door.” Saxon tried to explain and he cut her off, “I am not going to ask you again.” So she backed off and started to turn around. I told her to follow me. I was hoping if they came in this way they may come out this way. Now, I was not sure of anything. I could not tell folks to come since all I was doing was hoping that we would get a glimpse, an opportunity to interact.
We waited for the whole hour. The rest of our group found us. We saw when they came out. We were waiting for them to pass by and I had a gift for Alan. The same lead security guard told us to step back. The rest of my group stepped back but I stayed put. He said, “I am not going to ask you again.” Earlier he had been rude to Saxon so I was ready for this mans rude tone and was unfazed. I told him, as I am holding out the gift, “I have a gift.” This guy rolls his eyes. Another female security comes and stands next to me and he tells me to give it to her. I roll my eyes like yeah right and keep looking for Alan because I think I might miss him. The security guard, using a skeptical tone, says, "Well, if they acknowledge you."
So I see Nathan walk by and he smiles, Gina waves and smiles, I am still looking for Alan, I didn't even see Adam he was on the opposite side from us. I see Jewel and I think she may be the last of the crew. I called her name just as I see Alan at the back of the line and I said never mind. I was going to ask her to give Alan the gift. I didn’t even notice if she heard me but others said she did and then looked confused. Sorry Jewel.
All of a sudden I heard a booming voice, it was Adam shouting, "ROSIE!!!" like I am his long lost sister. I turned and saw him cut across the folks walking by. He gave me a big beautiful warm hug. I said, "Hi Baby." It just came out like that.
Then he walked past me to the rest of the group. He took pictures and handed out Serenity money. I was letting the others have their moment and still keeping an eye out for Alan. Then I see Alan look over to us to see what going on, I stepped out and I was able to give him his gift. We hugged briefly as in greeting; I gave him his gift and told him he did a great job with Sonny. At that point Adam was telling everyone he had to go. They were leaving.
I wish I had seen the security guards face. My friend did and she said his face just dropped. As she put it, he was moded. He was made to look like a fool. The thing with our crew is that they are amazing people. They don't think of themselves as movie stars. They are fully grounded. I really want Serenity to be successful; I also hope our crew does not lose their grounding. The whole cast and crew are truly shiny.
I was flying after my encounter with Adam. I still get all teary eyed. Actually I am in orbit. I am no longer flying and I am not sure when I will return to Earth. Adam was simply precious. He really is a warm and affectionate man. The entire crew is amazing and I am very happy for my recent encounters. I promise to come back down in time for the premier.
My Sister Carol’s ComicCon Report
I woke up at 4am and got ready to go. My sister and I went to go pick up some friends Marci and Jenae. Then we met up with Saxon and her family before we got on the freeway. We left for San Diego and were kind of confused when we got there because we really didn’t know where to go. Finally, we got in and got our nametags. The first thing we did was get in line, even though we did not know what the line was for. The line turned out to be for freebies, which had some good stuff. After that we went into the exhibit hall and looked around. All kinds of different companies where there, as well as artists. Marci was hoping to see some Firefly/Serenity stuff but we really couldn’t find anything. As we were walking I mentioned that it would be great if we ran into Jason Palmer the artist that had created the Firefly cast illustration that was sold during LA Comic Con. Then I turned around and hey there he was. So Marci and I bought his sketchbooks as well as another Firefly poster for each of us. I mentioned to him my sister, Rosie, and since she had emailed him for information he knew who she was instantly. So I called my sister and told her to come over. After we finished, Marci and I decided it was time to get in line for the autograph session.
We got in line at 11:15am even though the autograph session wasn’t supposed to begin until 2pm. We at first thought that we were the first in line but Marci went to check just to make sure and they took us to another line. People were already forming a line. As the time past, the line grew and grew and grew. We had the longest line that 1/3 of our line was still longer than the other lines for autographs and they hadn’t even come out yet! As soon as they came out everyone shouted and was excited. I first went up to Adam, as you can see in my picture and asked for a picture with him. Some guy was standing in front of us and he thought that was the guy and I was all pointing at Marci but then that camera guy told the guard and I wasn’t supposed to take a picture with him. Thanks Marci!! I didn’t find out until later that she had taken the picture.
The security guards however were horrible. Jason Palmer, the artist, had given me sketchbooks to give to Joss, Nathan and Adam. As I was giving the sketchbook to Nathan, he assumed that he was to sign it and started signing it, then one of the security guards started yelling, however it wasn’t at me it was at Nathan. Nathan told him that it was a mistake and that it was a gift for him and put it away. I could not believe the guard had the nerve to yell at Nathan!!!! JERK!!!!!!!!! Anyways, of course Nathan got mad or ticked but I hope that guard got a scolding. After Nathan was Sean, he has such soft hands and a great smile. It was my first time seeing Sean and I’m glad I got to meet him. After Sean, I believe was Jewel, she was on the phone with someone she didn’t know and was laughing and passed the phone onto Morena as I moved on to Morena, Morena passed the phone on to Summer and when Summer asked who she was going to talk to Morena said I don’t know just talk and they both started laughing. Thankfully though, Summer gave the phone to someone else. I really wanted to meet Summer and she was such a doll. I mentioned to her that I was with Ewok, and Rosie in the bushes. She started laughing and said that she remembered that. I told her she was sweet and she said thank you honey. I’m not sure if I have all the cast members in order now that I think of it but I do remember what I said to each of them. Gina, I didn’t really get to talk to because she had the phone at this time but she said hi and smiled as she signed. It was funny and yet kind of sad because the phone was passed wherever I went. Alan was on the phone after and he said hi. Oh I didn’t get to talk to Ron that much but his hair is in cornrows for those that were wondering. I gave Joss and Alan each a letter. I would have given everyone one but I didn’t think of it until later. Jenae showed me how to fold the notes into little t-shirts. Once I gave Joss his little T-shirt note he showed it to Alan and he said “Hey look how cool (holding the note up). They’re little shirts.” Joss was really nice and I gave him as well the Jason Palmer sketchbook and card. Then I told him that Jason wanted to give him the original sketches and told him where he was. He seemed really interested but I’m not sure if he heard because another guard was yelling at me for taking so much time. I left and was happy because I did get the chance to talk to everyone. Now after this, I talked to my sister on the phone, Rosie; she explained that our job, Marci, Jenae and I, was to get on the other side of the glass doors.
We got there easily and waited. This was the way that the cast would be going to come out. We waited and waited but not for long. Soon they came out, my sister wanted to give the poster she had bought from Jason Palmer to Alan. Now one of their guards started telling us to back off. My sister (the one who got us on set) told him she just wanted to give this to Alan and nothing else. They were getting and angry and one of the guards said she would give it to him. Rosie said that she wanted to give it to him personally. We saw them walking by but couldn’t find Alan. Then the best part of the day happened, “ROSIE!!! Adam comes over gives my sister a hug & kiss on the cheek and asks how she is. Then after they chat and she spots Alan. I introduced myself to Adam; he gives me a big hug and a kiss, as if we were family. He’s so nice. After talking to us, I ask him to take a picture with Marci. He then poses and smiles.
Ewok Adam and Saxon
After he goes to Ewok “Hey look what I got, gives her some props (money used in the movie). Here pass some around.” He then gives her three bills, one she kept, one she gave to me and the other to Marci. We were all excited. My sister meanwhile was talking to Alan, gave him a hug and the poster. After they left, we all talked about how cool that whole experience was and also about the look on the guard’s face that was yelling at my sister when he saw Adam come over and give her a huge hug, as if she were family or an old friend. It was wonderful!! After a great day we went home. I went online and posted some pics and then off to bed. So that was my great experience.
If you want to see some pictures go to: Enjoy!!
- Carol
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