Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Meeting Alan Tudyk at LA Comic Con June 27, 2004

LA Comic Con June 27, 2004

Alan Tudyk


My reason for attending was Alan Tudyk. Other guests were JK Simmons, JJ Jameson from Spiderman and Lance Hendriksen, Weyland from Alien vs. Predator; he’s done a lot of stuff, Millennium among them. However, I was there for Alan. My little sister, Carol went with me. We arrived at 7:30am because I wanted the reserved seating. We were number, 83 and 84, which was the third row. Tickets did not go on sale until 9:30am. The majority were men, very few women present. This was where I met Danregal. We were in line behind him. Little did I know I would attend his wedding and still be in touch 9 years later! After we bought our tickets Carol and I left and returned just before noon.


Alan was scheduled for 12:30pm. As we were walking up to the doors of the entrance of the Shrine Auditorium in LA, I noticed a guy on a cell phone. He was wearing big shades and his golden hair was just perfectly coifed, that’s the only word I can think of to describe his hair. It is styled, brushed perfectly. So I am looking at him thinking wouldn’t it be so cool if that were Alan. Then as we were entering I said that to Carol and start to go in. She went out and took a look and said “Rosie! It is him! Get back here.” So I rushed out and Alan is walking away so I have to shout, “Alan!?” Alan turned around, kind of startled wondering who’s calling his name. I smiled and walked up to him. I told him I am a fan of Firefly, and I was on the set of Serenity this past Monday and Tuesday. Alan nods, however he has a very expressive face, so I think he is thinking: Oh no a crazy girl.  I showed him my picture with Adam. Then it seemed like he is thinking: Oh she’s not crazy. Of course that is just my opinion of what Alan was thinking. Then I asked if he could pose for a picture. He said sure and Carol took the picture. Then I asked if she could have a picture since she is also a fan. So then I took their picture. We thanked him, someone else approached and we went inside. Alan was very kind. I noticed there was someone waiting to lead him inside, so I was sure he was taken care of.


Rosie and Alan Tudyk            

    Carol and Alan Tudyk
Once we went inside we found our seats and JK Simmons was already answering questions. Once Alan came on I started taking notes. There was a promotions rep from Fox there with Alan to give info about the movie I, Robot. One of the coolest things Alan said about his experience on I, Robot is the special effects guys did a fabulous job. He felt he was enhanced not erased. He had to wear a variety of green suits and they studied all of his movements. All of the expressions are Alan’s, transferred onto the robot, Sonny.


He was asked if he read anything to prepare for the role. He said yes, a booked title, Me, Myself and I How Children Develop Emotions. He also read the Alexander Technique. Sonny combines logic and emotions.


When asked about the green suit he said it was skintight and he received a lot of teasing. Will Smith kept calling the green suit Alan’s “all over body panty”. Other teasing remarks were: “It’s not easy being green” and “Irish speed skater.”


He did read Asimov; he said that it was all new to him. His favorite of the short stories is I, Robot.


About working with Will Smith, Alan said, “Will is a lot of fun.” This is a serious movie so when they were off camera there was a lot of levity.  He would ask Will, “How are you doing?” and Will would break out into some character and speak with an accent and reply, “My car’s stolen!” Then he plays along and asks, “Where’d you park it?” And a whole conversation would ensue.


Alan had 1 day between filming I, Robot and Dodgeball. The dodgeball tournament was shot in 2 weeks, there were 12 hours days of shooting and they played Dodgeball for 8 hours a day. They played against real Dodgeball Players and won a few times. He enjoyed being able to slouch again. For I, Robot he had to be all poised and speak very precisely, very articulate. He actually went to Julliard and everyone said no they’ll make you into a robot. Well he used everything he learned there.


About Firefly


What was it like when your show was cancelled? Did you think it would come back? Alan responds, “Joss said at the Christmas party he would pursue Firefly no matter what, even if only in etchings.”


Alan shared the red button story from Out of Gas – Alan ripped it out the last day of shooting on the bridge, held onto it for about a week then gave it to Joss. He said to Joss, “When your miracle gets here just push this button to call us back.” Then Alan joked, “The button wasn’t working properly but it finally worked.”


1st Day on the set- How was it being back together again?


Alan said, “We never really separated, Nathan is one of my best friends, always hanging out with Adam. Jewel lives in Canada so I hung out at her place a lot. Morena and I went to the same school. It was great being back on the set and being paid to hang out with folks I would hang out with anyway.”  


How about being back in character? “It’s great. He said, “Being cancelled stinks. The first day of shooting, I was watching the monitor and Sean and Summer were on and I remember thinking, I haven’t seen this episode. Then I realized we’re making a movie.”


About the movie, what to expect? –River, the Alliance hires a new guy to come after River and Simon.


I lined up for the Q/A. When it was my turn I told Alan, “I never really understood Wash and his relationship with the Captain until I saw the pilot, Serenity. Wash was playing with the dinosaurs, and then it all just clicked, oh that’s Wash. I loved Dodgeball. I saw it the day it came out. It was very funny. I am really looking forward to I, Robot. I first noticed you in Knight’s Tale and 28 Days and then I saw you were going to be in Firefly and I knew it would be great for many reasons. I was just wondering, aside from Serenity, if there are any other projects coming out that I can look out for.” He said, “No not really. I did an Indy film called R/X where I play a gay drug dealer named Pepe, but not sure because of the circuitous route those movies take.”


Finally I told Alan, “You are a very talented actor with a broad range and if I had to compare you to anyone it would be Robin Williams.” Alan said, “Wow, thanks.”


Carol said everyone clapped at the things I said. I was focused on my conversation with Alan so I couldn’t tell. But I was very happy I said what I wanted to say. Someone else asked about the fact there was someone with scheduling conflicts and he wasn’t sure if it was Ron or Alan. Then Alan confesses, “It was me! But I am back.” Everyone clapped.


He said his favorite movie is Dark City because it is a matrix before the Matrix.


That is all I have about Alan’s Q/A.


Then it was Lance Hendriksen. A lot of fans were there for him. I wish I knew him. I remember he was on Millennium but I never actually got to see the show.  He did seem like a very nice and down to earth guy; very cool and physically fit.


Alan wore the white t-shirt with Serenity on it like the one Adam Baldwin has, with a black dress shirt. He looked great, very trim, but not too thin, just right. He also appeared very cool, friendly and easy going. I don’t think he understands he is gaining leaps and bounds in popularity.


Finally the autograph session started Alan was great. He took pictures, signed autographs and was just happy to be there. He said Will (Smith) was great and Alan shook his head like he couldn’t believe he worked with him. I told him he was very talented again. I had him sign my little address that I took to the set of Serenity. I have a Firefly picture on it as a cover. I showed him where everyone else signed and then he signed. He wrote, -Rosie, You say the nicest things. Great to meet you. Alan Tudyk. –


I told him I missed work and received points for taking a personal day. Carol brought the poster of the cast that was signed by the rest of the cast back in December. He liked it and wanted one. I knew the artist’s name is Jason Palmer; he wasn’t there that day though. Once Alan signed, my sister told him that last time she asked Adam for a kiss and she gave him one so she wanted to know if she could give a kiss to him.  He said, “Sure” and leaned across the table. I took a picture. Everyone behind her went, “Aaaaaaaaaaah” Then Alan said, “Now we’re having a kissing booth.”


I walked around looking for the Firefly poster. I wanted to get one for Alan but then I just wanted to get contact info for anyone else who wanted one. It seemed like Alan really wanted one. He said Nathan had one. The website for the poster There was a long line for autographs so we decided to leave since our time with Alan was over. But once again as I am driving home I am thinking I should have stayed longer.


Overall - A totally wonderful experience.

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