Firefly Happy Hour – March 12, 2005
Adam Baldwin and Alan Tudyk
There were around 70 people. Many OB Browncoats arrived early and hung out at the bar. No one official arrived until 5pm. My sister Carol and I were waiting for Saxon and Julie to arrive.

By the time we arrived everyone was seated.
As we entered I approached Erin Gray since I had met her at GenCon and re-introduced myself to her. She seemed to remember I went with a group of teachers so she thought I was one too. I spoke to her for a bit. I noticed Alan and Adam out of the corner of my eye at the table where I was going to be sitting but I stayed with Erin talking. Finally I made it over and Alan was talking at the next table I was afraid I had missed him.
I greeted Adam and he stood up shouting, “Rosie!!!” Opening his arms wide. He really is adorable. People started taking pictures then I told him I wanted to take his picture with Carol. Warning to all I cannot take pictures of our BDHs. So unfortunately it did not turn out well and I took too long. So you are all warned.
He went to sit down and then Erin told him he had to talk to the whole room. So off he went to the other side. I was going to sit down but heard Alan starting to end the conversation. I stood there and wanted to get his attention. I thought I missed him at our table. So I touched his left hand with my right hand tall fingers. He finished and then looked up. He smiled warmly, gave me a hug as a greeting. I told him I was at this table and I was afraid I missed him, I just wanted to say hi. I let him go talk to the rest of the room. Then I sat down.
However I could not just sit there. I knew a lot of Browncoats in the room so I went to talk to them. I do not know how many OB Browncoats were there that I did not know. I do not have delusions of grandeur and I did not walk up to everyone thinking they wanted to talk to me. I did greet folks as they entered especially if they entered alone. I went to talk to Tamara, Betsy and 11th Hour. Then Betsy said she wanted to meet Erin Gray so I went to introduce her. I explained to Erin that most Firefly Fans are first time Con goers. She noted that and shared it with someone else. I thought it was important they know that about us.
Then I went to sit with Julie, Betty and Aimee. As I was about to leave I notice that Alan disappeared and then saw the security guy with him standing between our booth and that booth so I sat back down. I realized Alan was coming over. Alan came in and started shaking my hand and then realized it was me again. I kept silent and let the girls speak; I did not want to steal their time. Alan shared how it was to see William Shatner at the Con.
Then I congratulated him on his pilot and told him how there was a group that attended the taping of Nathan’s pilot. I wondered if it would be in front of a studio audience, he said no. He said the writers are folks that worked on 28 Days they wrote the soap opera scenes. He was very excited. He looked so good. He said goodbye and moved on to the next table that was Tamara and Betsy’s table. They were loud and animated. I stayed where I was and we were talking to the security guy.
So I sat and waited and asked the girls what they wanted to say. Then Adam slid in. He looked great and really comfortable with the schmoozing. He was really getting into it and relaxed. He asked what we wanted to talk about and Julie told him her students, well the girls think he’s really cute. He asked, “Who’s your favorite character” but they all said Jayne. Then I said Wash, Adam goes good see it takes the pressure off. Julie smiles and then quickly changes her answer to Simon. Adam gets this wicked grin and asks if we’d all seen the film yet. We had all seen Serenity so we spoke a little about that and then it was time for him to move on.
Adam was really relaxed and enjoyed his conversations but did not move quickly. It was totally awesome and overwhelming for me. I was hungry and tired at the end of it so I can just imagine how they must be. Definitely they should be fed beforehand and given a break half way through.
After he left I went back to my table and they told me that they never got any time with Alan. I spoke to the Security guy and told him Alan missed a table he said they have to come back here. So I went back and told everyone at my table to move, they started to question but I said hurry. I needed to get them settled before Alan needed to leave. Time was running out. So I sat Ewok and Carol and Erin. Saxon was standing I told her to sit and she said, “There’s no chair.” So I walked over to another table and borrowed a chair and then told Saxon, “Chairs are movable.” I told the security guy this was the new table.
Adam an Alan moving from table to table!
Now while I was walking back and forth we had run out of time. They were supposed to leave but Adam had not even seen a whole series of tables. They were trying to make him leave and he said he would not be rushed. I was going to try to talk to him to move and at least say hi to those tables he missed but he was talking to a little kid and I just didn’t have the heart to take him away. Also it was not my job and I was busy trying to get the Alan thing set up.
Finally they were saying they had to go now. Alan said all right but came by quickly to the table I just set up. He signed Ewok’s foot. Saxon handed me her camera and I tried to get a picture. Alan circled the table and said hi bye to everyone. I was so frantic I don’t remember even saying goodbye. It was all about those who didn’t get a chance. I never saw Adam leave so I don’t know if he even said hi to everyone.
Alan did a great job of talking to everyone quickly but not rushed. He seemed to have it timed. He was excellent at this.
And that was it. Everyone went back to the convention or home a few stayed to get some food. I did not get a picture with Alan but I did get one with Adam. Not able to find it or the one I took of Carol with these pics. May have been a different camera.
For the record Odile Beals, may she rest in peace was the organizer for the Firefly Happy Hour. She was a beautiful Browncoat. She had fun. Here she is talking to Adam Baldwin.
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